The program is 100% FREE, lightweight, fast, and can be used on all modern versions of Microsoft Windows OS. The software offers a range of tests that assess various aspects of keyboard performance, including key responsiveness, rollover functionality, ghosting, input delay, and more. It provides comprehensive testing capabilities to identify any issues or limitations in keyboard functionality, allowing users to make informed decisions when purchasing or troubleshooting keyboards. Keyboard Test Utility is a powerful application developed to evaluate and analyze the performance of keyboards, both mechanical and non-mechanical. While many users can instantly detect any issue with their keyboard hardware, such as missing clicks, double or multiple signals on each keypress, or in very rare cases sending off the wrong keypress signal, this app can help anyone to really troubleshoot the issue and clearly see if the fault is hardware or software-based. Keyboard Test Utility is a lightweight hardware health application that can help Windows OS users of all knowledge levels quickly and easily test the health status of their keyboards.